Health Risk Assessments: The Front Door for B2B Population Health Services



Population Health is by now an imperative for most healthcare organizations, and health risk assessments are the launch point for establishing a baseline for an individual’s current health.

But the business implications for many healthcare organizations go beyond the population health incentives built into value-based reimbursement for providers.

In fact, more healthcare businesses are now targeting employers for workplace wellness programs that are designed to reduce employer and employee healthcare coverage costs by identifying chronic, recurring health problems and preempting worsening of those conditions by educating and changing health behaviors.

While the health risk assessment is a widely accepted and utilized tool for starting the individual’s education and engagement in change behaviors, most companies and organizations that utilize HRAs don’t fully understand the most important considerations for proper and effective administration of HRAs.

Listen to my podcast interview with Chris McReynolds, CEO of Wellsource ( for an eye-opening look at the importance of customized, specific HRAs as the “front door” for the engagement of the employee and their employer in the process of producing better outcomes and more healthcare cost savings.

You can also contact me directly at 800-924-5447 for a personal introduction to Mr. McReynolds.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]