Project Description

Medical Lockbox

Utilizing a medical lockbox will lower costs, improve cash flow, virtually eliminate the risk of fraud and make it possible to search and view checks, EOBs, payment coupons and correspondence instantly.

Medical practices have unique requirements and SIS NW’s lockbox solution is custom tailored to the needs of medical practices. Most bank lockbox services start and stop with the deposit of checks. SIS NW’s solution is customized to the unique needs of medical providers.

SIS NW’s unique Medical Lockbox solution automates processing of private patient and insurance payments. Our lockbox service is easy to implement and you won’t have to change banks.

Storage and Release of Information

Are you maximizing the revenue stream generated from your Release of Information (ROI) requests? Are your processes fully HIPAA compliant? Would you like to reduce consumable supply and equipment costs?
SIS NW Inc. Information Services, NW Inc. offers a simple, user-friendly software tool called ROI+ to assist facilities on improving the management of their Release of Information process. ROI+ automatically calculates the maximum billable amount for each request and generates an invoice for the requester. ROI+ also creates the HIPAA required disclosure log and maintains all release data for 7 years as mandated by HIPAA.
In addition to the above features, ROI+ will reduce the cost and use of paper, toner, postage fees, and wear and tear on expensive equipment by releasing records electronically.